Author: ppsatx78

What makes a Master?

I've heard it said that "Master" is not a term one elects for themselves, but is applied by others. That custom is apparently not always followed. But what does it…
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Sparring Toward Enlightenment

Aggravated Assault. Ordinarily, that's what you'd call it: an armed person attacking another person. In the case of stick fighting, they're both armed. And wearing protective gear. And when sparring is over, it's…
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75 Year-old Veteran saves 16 Kids from Knife Wielding Maniac POS — The Tactical Hermit

I am a firm believer that regardless of your age, once that SPARTAN WARRIOR ETHOS or MINDSET is implanted into a person’s spirit, it never fades nor shrinks with age…
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Why I dislike gimmick weapons — Pahlawan Personal Security

Originally posted on the street standards: Tactical pens, cleverly disguised saps, modified brass knuckles, and so on. There’s a whole industry out there selling hidden/disguised weapons to the self-defense crowd.…
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Escaping Restraints and Priority of Effort

Escaping restraints is an entertaining party trick. It is also a useful survival skill. That said it isn't top priority. Years ago, my old employer sent me to a course teaching…
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Target Selection and Approach     This unfortunate event illustrates a couple of points: Selection. Prior to the event and unbeknownst to the young woman in the video, her attacker was making a…
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Self-Defense for Pacifists

Can pacifists use self-defense? They'd better. We are all aware that there are criminals who will readily use violence to achieve their aims. Some enjoy violence for its' own sake.…
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Knife 101

I started off a bit skeptical when I saw some of the the opening demonstration techniques. But the content of the video stuck to fundamentals. In fact, given just a…
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Olympic Judo

I'm at a local pub and they're airing ping pong for some reason. Maybe time to demo some Judo on the barkeep. JK. They know not what they do. Lot's…
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